Watership Down: The missing index

A supplement to the classic rabbit epic Watership Down by the late Richard Adams: a full index to the print version. Page numbers are from 2014 Puffin edition. Up to p.211.

Watership Down © 1972 Richard Adams. This index © 2017 John Tait johngtait@gmail.com.

December 2018 note: if you want me to finish off the index because of the BBC adaptation, let me know by email!

A Woman Young and Old, 34
Acorn, introduction to, 24
Aeschylus, 3
Agamemnom, 3
Ash (rabbit), first mention, 205
Auden, W.H., 139, 197

badger (lendri), 39–42
beanfield, 57–88
behaviour see rabbit behaviour
Betony, first mention of, 107
  fight, 26–27, 56
  introduction to, 13
  left Owsla, 18
  name in Lapine (Thlayli), 13
  snare, caught in, 144–8
  strength, 161
  swimming, 46–47
Black Rabbit of Inlé,
  first mention, 180
  introduction to (unnamed, with black-tipped ears), 5
  named, 17
  plan to cross Enbourne, 48–50
  wits, 161
blackbird song, 43
Blake, William, 159
Bluebell, with Captain Holly, 185
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 39
Browning, Robert, 52
  bitten by rats, 160, 170
  fight, 26–27
  introduction to, 24
Bunyan, John, 59
burnet leaf, 20
Butterbur (rabbit), first mention, 205

Captain Holly
  details, 183–4
  fight, 26–27
  first mention, 17
  found injured, 181–2
  introduction to, 26
  speech about evil and men, 199
  flayrah, as, 112
  tasting (Hazel), 113
  sounds like, 178
Celandine (rabbit), first mention and death, 204
Chief Rabbit
  Cowslip's Warren, lack of, 99–100
  Sandleford, of
    Captain Holly relied on, 183
    introduction to, 14
    name in Lapine (Threarah), 13
    reluctance to leave Sandleford, 15–6, 194–5, 196–198
    response to myxomatosis in Sandleford, 14
  Watership Down, of (Hazel-rah)
    first mention regarding, 76
Congreve, 211
counting, rabbit concept of, 5
Cosi fan tutte, 123
cowslip (flower), 6
  evasive/pretending not
   to hear, 114–5, 120,
   147, 149–150
  first mention of, 82
  introduced himself, 86
  laughter, 106
  meeting Captain Holly, 208
  rejection of stories,
  Warren, description of,
   95–96, 117, 195
Cottington's Clump, 68
creation, rabbit myth, 34–8
  attack, 55–6
  `Not-hawk', 53

  fight, 27
  introduction to, 17
  speed, 30, 162
  stories, see stories
De Gustibus, 52
de la Mare, Walter, first pages
de Ponte, Lorenzo, 123
digging see rabbit behaviour
  admiration (Nildro-hain), 105
  need for, 174
  in wood, 47
  Sandleford Owsla opinion of, 41–2
dog's mercury, 18
Dostoevsky, 197

Earl of Chesterfield, the, 105
  boasting, 35
  exclamation, as, 92
  first mention of, 30–31
  pronounciation, 30
  stones mystery (Cowslip's Warren), 102–103
  stories, see stories
  wives, 35
embleer (stinking, smell of fox), defined, 46
Enbourne (river)
  crossing, 51–2
  described, 40, 44–5
  plan to cross, 42, 45
elil (enemies), defined, 5
exclamations see sayings, rabbit

farmer, shooting, 60-1
  Captain Holly escaping Sandleford (Bluebell, Captain Holly, Cowslip, Pimpernel, rabbits from Cowslips' warren), 208–9
  crow (Bigwig), 56
  rats (Bigwig, Buckthorn, Silver), 160–1
  Sandleford, departing (Captain Holly, Bigwig, Buckthorn, Dandelion), 26–27
   dream about water, 11–2
   fear and flight, 136–7
   Fiver-rah!, 167
   introduction to, 5
   name in Lapine (Hrairoo), 5
   requirements for Watership Down, 45
   visions and premonitions, 7–8, 12, 16, 69, 90, 99, 116–8, 134–8, 151–4, 161, 198
flayrah (appetizing food)
   defined, 112
   first mentioned, 109
force, use of, 138
Four Postures of Death, 132
fox, 100
Frith (God, also the sun)
  bestowing El-ahrairah
  `Prince with a Thousand Enemies', 35
  blessing El-ahrairah's bottom, 37–8
  introduction to, 34
  poem (Silverweed), 135–6
  presents to the animals, 35–8
  warning El-ahrairah, 35
fu Inlé (after moonrise)
  defined, 20
  first mention, 19

Hamlet, 21
Hardy, Thomas, 169
  introduction to, 23
  wants to return to Sandleford, 66–67
  inspecting holes, 167–8
  dream, 109, 139–140
  introduction to, 4
  leadership, 41, 47, 71–72, 76, 96, 161, 194
Hazel-rah, first mentions, 75–6
  name in Lapine (yona), 64
  Yona (story), 125, 130
Hlao (any small concavity in the grass where moisture may collect)
  defined (name of Pipkin in Lapine), 22
Hlao-roo, diminutive form of Pipkin's name, first mentioned, 108
hlessi, rabbits living in the open without a hole, wanderer, scratcher, vagabond (pl: hlessil)
  defined, 169
  used, 207
high, lonely place with dry soil (Watership Down), 45
`Hoi, Hoi u embleer Hrair, M' saigon ulé hraka vair' (`Hoi, Hoi, the stinking Thousand, We meet them even when we stop to pass our droppings', Owsla lampoon)
   defined, 56
   used again, 179
holes on Watership Down, 168–170
Holly (rabbit), see Captain Holly
homba (fox)
  see also fox
  first mention, 100
Honeycombe hall see Watership Down
hrair (a lot)
  defined, 5
  used, 193
Hrairoo Little Thousand (name of Fiver in Lapine), defined, 5
hraka (droppings)
  defined (Owlsa lampoon), 56
  passing, 113, 171–2, 199
hrududu (motor vehicle), defined, 55

Inlé (moon), mention, 205

Labernum (Poison-tree, name of rabbit in Cowslip's Warren) see Shape of Laburnum
Lapine, 190
  also see individual terms
lark, announcing morning, 42
laughter, unknown to most rabbits, 106
lingua franca of hedgerow and woodland, 190
Le Morte d'Arthur, 71
lendri (badger), first mention, 40
Letters to the Sun, 105
Lockley, R.M., 28, 77, 211
Love for Love, 211

Kelfazin, marshes see stories
kestrel, 175–6, 189–191
Keyes, Sidney, 132
Kingcup (rabbit), first mentioned (missing, called by Strawberry), 103–4
Kingsclere, 176

Malory, 71
  destruction of Sandlesford warren, 207–9
  horse, on, 176
  smell, 109, 119, 147
  with gun, 100, 207
magpie, 156
martins, 44
  rescue and plan, 190–3, 196
movement, rabbit, 31–2
myths see also stories
  belief in, 133, 211
  Black Rabbit of Inlé, 180, 210
  creation, 34–38
  El-ahrairah, Shape (Cowslip's Warren), 102–3, 105
myxomatosis, in Sandleford, 14

Newtown Common, 65
ni-Frith (noon)
  defined, 12
  used, 46, 82, 200, 208
Nightshade (rabbit), first mention, 200
Nildro-Hain (Song of the Blackbird, name of doe in Cowslip's Warren)
  admired, 105
  introduced, doe of Strawberry, 100
noise, 170–171, 189
Nose-in-the-Air (rabbit), first mention, 205
notice board of development of Sandleford, 10, 17

outskirter (rank-and-file ordinary rabbit), defined, 4
owl, 73
  call, 65–66, 141
Owsla (strong or clever rabbits surrounding the Chief Rabbit)
  defined, 6–7
  lampoon, 56
  story, Rabscuttle, 125
    hrududil, 64
    snare, 145–6

poetry (Cowslip's Warren), 134–6
Pimpernel (rabbit)
  death, 209
  first mention, 204
Pine-needles (rabbit), first mention, 205
  crossing Enbourne, 49–50, 58
  injury, 32, 40, 46
  introduction to, 22
  name in Lapine (Hlao), 22
  screaming, 54
`Piss off!', 239
Prince with a Thousand Enemies
  called by Prince Rainbow, 126
  Frith bestows El-ahrairah, 38
Prince Rainbow see stories

rabbit behaviour
  ability to withstand disaster, 211
  digging, 81–82, 147–8, 172–5, 177, 187–9
  carrying food, 114–5, 173
  cleaning wounds, 58, 72
  conventions and formalities, 98–9
  counting, rabbit concept of, 5
  dancing (Cowslip's Warren), 94
  disgust, 64
  evacuating warren, 198
  fear and flight (see also tharn), 136–7
  feeding, 6, 171
  fools, teaching about, 90
  force, use of, 138, 141 (discussed)
  formal gestures (usual lack of), 94
  laughter, unknown to most rabbits, 106
  melancholy, unknown to most rabbits, 132
  movement, 31–3, 164
  senses, underground, 96
  screaming, 5
  sleeping places, 170
  smelling, 88
  sniffing during greeting, 83–4, 94
  stamping, 82, 109–110
  swimming, 42
  unknown, response to, 29
  time, rabbit concept of, 21, 59
  woodland, in, 28
rabbit feet, 58
rabbit sayings
  Blue-tit's chatter, 186
  By the King's Lettuce!, 141
  Fits like a bee in a foxglove, 154
  For El-ahrairah to cry, 151
  Frith above!, 58
  Frith and Inlé, 50
  Frith forbid!, 155
  Frith in a fog!, 72
  Frith in a pond!, 196
  Frith knows what, 172
  Frithrah! (Lord God!), 19
  Great golden Frith, 199
  Hills or Inlé, 150
  hraka one end, jokes the other, 209
  If you were a horse the ceiling would fall down, 110
  In the warren, more stories than passages, 121
  My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today, 149
  O embleer Frith! (Fiver's impiety, O stinking God!), 151
  O Frith, 166
  O Frith on the hills!, 166–7
  Till acorns grow on thistles, 195
rat attack, 160–1
river see Enbourne
road, crossing, 62–3
-roo, little (name suffix), defined, 5

sainfoin, 162–3
  development of, 10
  destruction (Captain Holly's recount), 199–206
  first mention of, 7
  myxomatosis in, 14
  plan to leave, 19
`Sayn lay narn, marli?' (`Is grounsel nice, mother?', muttered by Pipkin in sleep), 109
sayings see rabbit sayings
Scabius (rabbit), first mention and death, 202
Shakespeare, 21
Shape of Laburnum, 102–3, 105, 133
silf (outside), first mention of, 140
silflay (go above ground to feed), first mention of, 106
Silver, introduction to, 25
Silverweed (rabbit poet in Cowslip's Warren), 134–6
snake, 65
snare, 119, 144–8
Speedwell, introduction to, 24
Starveall (lonely barn), 160
stones see Shape of Laburnum
  see also myths
  Dandelion telling, 33, 122, 132
  El-ahrairah and the pike, 31
  Kelfazin, marshes, 123
  King Darzin
    first mentioned, 124
  Prince Rainbow
    first mentioned, 123
  The Story of the Blessing of El-ahrairah, 34–38
  The Story of the King's Lettuce
    as expression, 141
    mentioned in Cowslip's Warren, 102–3
    told, 123–131
  Rabscuttle, Captain of Owsla
    first mentioned, 125
  Yona the hedgehog, 125, 130
   Hazel admires, 110
   introduction to, 100
   leaves Cowslip's Warren, 155–6
   struggles, 162
   tells stones (Shape of Laburnum) mystery, 101–3
   for Frith's sake, 91
   O embleer Frith!, 151
   Piss off!, 239
  Bigwig, 46–7
  rabbit ability, 42

Tennyson, 93
The Acts of the Apostles, 44
The Anabasis, 17
The Ascent of F.6, 197
The Brothers Karamazov, 197
The Lotus Eaters, 93
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 159
The Pilgrim's Progress, 59
The Private Life of the Rabbit, 28, 77
The Witness, 139
The World, 11
tharn (paralysis caused by fear and exhaustion)
  defined, 32
  further explained, 164–5
Thlayli (Furhead, name of Bigwig in Lapine), defined, 13
Threarah (Lord Rowan Tree, name of Chief Rabbit of Sandleford in Lapine), defined, 13
  see also Chief Rabbit
Thousand, dog member of, 42
time, rabbit concept of, 21, 59
  death, 206
  introduction to, 6
  speech about destruction of warren and men, 206
trees in November, like (Pipkin, Cowslip Warren rabbits), 107

U Hrair, The Thousand ('All the enemies' in Lapine), defined, 5
unknown, rabbit behaviour is reponse to, 29

Vaughan, Henry, 11

warren, description of old warren, 88
Watership Down
  description, 68, 74, 159–160, 166, 171
  Fiver's requirements for, 45, 68, 163
  Honeycombe hall
   design and digging, 187–9, 192, 195–6
   named, 189
   noise, 171
Who's in the Next Room?, 169
Willow (rabbit), first mention, 198
woods, 28–33

Xenophon, 17

Yeats, W.B., 34
yona (hedgehog), 64
Yona the hedgehog (story), 125, 130

zorn (finished or destroyed),
  defined, 180
  used, 181

Author: John Tait

Created: 2017-11-07 Tue 09:52

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